I will try to predict what Marvel fans
like me are going to see on April 26, 2019 when the continuation of Avengers:
Infinity War goes on its premier. I will use story conceptualization, just like what I’ve written for Game of Thrones. Let’s see if we can get lucky. If I do, I hope
Marvel recognizes my efforts. If I don’t, it’s still fun writing the concepts for
possible story outcomes. Of course, I will adding my own original plot concepts within the storyline.
I’ve been reading a lot of write-ups
regarding the possibilities with regards to Part 2 of Avengers: Infinity War. In this manner, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are actually
conceptualizing the possible outcomes. Yet I haven’t found a plausible
scenario. In estimate, probably less than 10 percents of the fan predictions,
proposed spoilers, and experts’ comments came close. Only one observation,
however, stands out, but still lacks concept.
Conceptualization involves knowing all
the background stories – comics, animations and films – and the available
information at hand. It can be used not only for visualizing all the possible
scenarios of a story, but also of predicting the outcome(s) of an already
established story model.
The key character in Avengers: Infinity War is Doctor Strange
(portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch). Try watching the Doctor Strange film again and understand the power of the Eye of
Agamoto, which in this case turned out to be the Time Stone. Then watch Avengers: Infinity War again. First,
focus your attention on the scene in the “doughnut”-shaped spaceship after they
killed Thanos’ top henchman Maw (Tom Vaughn-Lawlor). Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert
Downey jr) convinced Dr. Strange to take the war to Thanos (Josh Brolin) instead
of returning to Earth. Here, Dr. Strange firmly told Stark: “If it comes to
saving you, the kid (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), or the Time Stone, I will not
hesitate to let either of you die. I can’t. Because the universe depends on
Now, fast-forward to the scene in
Titan (Thanos’ home planet) where Dr. Strange was seemingly in a transmeditational
state. He told Stark that he went forward in time, “To view alternate futures.
To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.” Peter Quill/Star-Lord
(Chris Pratt) asked him how many did he see. He answered “14,000,605.” Out of
this number, when Stark asked, “How many did we win?” Dr. Strange intently look
at Stark and replied: “One!” Fast-forward again to the scene when Thanos was
about to kill Iron Man. Here, Dr. Strange intervened, “Spare his life and I’ll
give you the Time Stone.” The situation where he told Stark “he will not
hesitate” to let the latter die happened. Yet, instead, he gave up the Time
Stone to save Stark.
Did you get the underlying concept?
Dr. Strange gave up the Time Stone
because he saw that Iron Man is vital in the “one” future that Thanos is
defeated. He even said “There
was no other way.” Dr. Strange also saw that the Time Stone will be later retrieved by the
heroes. Iron Man will deduce that the Time Stone is the only Infinity Gem
capable of bringing back – that is
“resurrecting” the lost members of Avengers and Guardians of the
In the comics version, Nebula stole
the Infinity gems. In this film version, she is among the survivors and would be
most likely to do it again. After Stark finished repairing his Iron Man suit, he and Nebula (Karen Gillan) will travel to where
Thanos is resting. Thanos, tired, contemplating on his achievement and yet
mourning because of sacrificing Gamora (Zoe Saldana) to obtain the Soul Stone, will
fall into deep sleep.
Iron Man: “He’s sleeping. Now is the
time, I’ll kill him!”
Nebula: (Holding Iron Man back) You
can’t. You can’t kill him, with all the Infinity Stones in his possession, he’s
Iron Man: “Oh yeah.... Right....! We
should think intelligently....
Nebula: “He’s in his deep sleep. I
think I can steal the stones.”
Iron Man: “Okay, we do that.”
Nebula: “You need to watch over the
sentries. They come to look at him every now and then.”
Iron Man: “Get the green stone first.”
Nebula: “Why?”
Iron Man: “Because it is the Time
Stone. If ever, it is the only stone that can bring our friends back.”
[Indeed, the Time Stone is the key
object of this concept. With it removed from the Infinity Gauntlet, the heroes would
be able to undo some (not all) of what Thanos did.]

Iron Man: “Will you hurry up on that!”
Nebula: “Yes, I got it.”
Nebula and Iron Man will argue on where
to go next and who to bring back first. Nebula wants to go to Vormir and bring
his sister back, While Iron Man wants to go to Earth and bring Dr. Strange and
Spider-Man first.
Nebula: “I stole the Time Stone; this
is my ship, so we go to Vormir first!”
Iron Man: “Whaa....?!”
Before Iron Man could utter another
word, they arrive at Vormir. They will find Gamora still, barely alive, in the
soul pit. They will battle the Red Skull (Ross Marquand) who will try to stop
them from taking Gamora.
Back on Earth, Carol Danvers/Captain
Marvel (Brie Larson) will find Nick Fury’s satellite phone and will realize
what is happening. The first question she would ask the people on the premise is “Where is Fury?!” She will fly to the scene of the battle between Iron Man and
Dr. Strange with Maw and Obsidian to investigate. There she will encounter
Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), also investigating. Hawkeye, enraged
because of losing her family and thinking Captain Marvel as an enemy, will
shoot several explosive arrows at her to no effect. Captain Marvel will
retaliate but before she could shoot an energy blast at Hawkeye, she will see a
boy falling from a collapsing building.
Captain Marvel will catch the falling
boy in mid-air at the same time parrying off falling huge concrete debris with
her energy shield (This one is a tribute to Christopher Reeve, with a similar
scene in Superman).
Captain Marvel: “I got you, boy!”
Boy: “Yeah.... but who’s got you?!”
With this action, Hawkeye will
understand that she is one of the good guys and will apologize to her.
Hawkeye: “Sorry for what I did
earlier. Who are you?”
Captain Marvel: “I’m Carol Danvers,
but Fury wants me to be known as Captain Marvel.”
Hawkeye: “You know Nick Fury?”
Captain Marvel: “Yes, you can consider
me his newest recruit. You are one of the Avengers, aren’t you?”
Hawkeye: “Yes, but sort of retired. I
only came back when my wife and kids suddenly vanished into thin air. Where is
Captain Marvel: “The same thing
happened to him. Vanished. I think disintegrated by an unknown force.”
Hawkeye will contact Steve Roger, and
knowing they’re in Wakanda, the two proceeded to go there.
Captain Marvel film is under
production as of this writing, so I will not dabble into that. Note, however,
that in the Uncanny X-Men animation series,
Mystique ordered Rogue to grab and absorb Ms. Marvel’s power. Rogue didn’t let
go until Ms. Marvel lost consciousness. As a result, Ms. Marvel was rendered
comatose and Rogue obtained the powers of invulnerability, superstrength and
flight. Rogue was only able to absorb portions of Ms. Marvel’s power. So, you
can imagine how powerful Ms. Marvel is. The character Ms. Marvel later became
Captain Marvel sans the skimpy mask.]

Shuri (Letitia Wright): “It would take
the power of more than 10 thousand suns to send a single man back in time. The
combined power of the two reactors is too small compare to that, not even
0.00001 percent.”
Captain America: “What if the person
is also small?”
Shuri: “What...?!”
Captain: “What if the time traveler is
small? As small as an ant?”
Shuri: “An ant?”
Captain America: “We have a friend who
can shrink that small.”
Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo): “We can
compute for that....”
Shuri: “Ah-Ah... One needs to be much
smaller than that.”
Banner: “How much smaller?”
Shuri: “Atomic size.”
Banner: “Is that even possible? Shrinking to atomic size?”
Captain America: “We’ll find that out when they arrive. Clint gave them the coordinates to come here.”
Here is where Scott Lang/Ant Man (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne/the Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) come in.
Banner: “Is that even possible? Shrinking to atomic size?”
Captain America: “We’ll find that out when they arrive. Clint gave them the coordinates to come here.”
Here is where Scott Lang/Ant Man (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne/the Wasp (Evangeline Lilly) come in.
They will, however, discover that not
everything can be undone. They will be able to go back in time, as a consequence
that the Time Stone being stolen by Nebula and removed from the Infinity
Gauntlet, which they will subsequently know through Wong (Benedict Wong), Dr.
Strange’s companion. They can only return to the precise moment Thanos left, so
they cannot undo everything that Thanos had already done prior to it. They can
only bring back T’Challa/Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman), Bucky Barnes/Winter
Soldier (Sebastian Stan), Sam Wilson/Falcon (Anthony Mackie), and Groot, but not Vision or the Mind Stone. Because
of this, they were unable to bring back Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth
Olsen). Wanda will be brought back in another way. Vision, on the other hand, will be repaired using Wakandan technology.
Thor (Chris Hemsworth), using his new
weapon made by Eitri (Peter Dinklage) in Nidavellir as a Bifrost, will create a
space-time gateway and will also travel back in time to try to save Heimdall
(Idris Elba), Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and the Asgardian refugees. He will be able
to travel back in time but, again, cannot alter what happened in the Asgardian
refugee vessel, as they are still bound by the other Infinity Gems possessed by
Thanos. Thor will try to smash through an unseen barrier using his Stormbreaker
but cannot get through. He will try several times but will realize its
futility. Thor will hear Loki’s voice among the ruins. Loki was able to
transfer his life essence to a rat before Thanos snap his neck.
Loki: (As a rat) “Help me return to my body.”
Thor: (As he holds the rat by the
tail) “I kinda like you this way.”

Adam Warlock: “Where is my Soul Stone?”
Red Skull: “Thanos, son of A'Lars, now
possesses it.”
Adam Warlock: “You fool, you allow a
mad titan to have it?!” (He will be enraged and uses his power to choke the Red
Skull telekineticly)
Red Skull: “But your liege..., he
fulfilled the ordeal of sacrifice....”
Adam Warlock will let go and confronts
Iron Man and Nebula. Iron Man will try to engage but Nebula will caution him. Adam
warlock will look at Gamora, raise her up telekineticly and brings her back to health. After which he will
Iron Man: “Who was that?”
Nebula: “A very very powerful being.”
Gamora: “He’s Adam Warlock.....”
Red Skull: “He is the true keeper of
the Soul Stone.”
Adam will seek the help of
the Living Tribunal, who at this point will not interfere. “The balance of good
and evil has not yet been tilted to the extreme.”
Adam will, however, learn a secret
hidden since creation – the existence of a seventh stone that can equal the
power of the six Infinity Gems. But he can only wield its power before its
keeper is born. He travels to Earth and, on his way, encounters the Silver
Surfer, who lost his memory after he defied his master, Galactus (Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer).
He will return the Surfer’s memory and together they will travel back in time
before the birth of the fourth generation Eternal named Sersi, the destined
keeper of the Seventh Stone. (NOTE: This scene can only happen if Marvel and
20th Century Fox resolved their film franchise issues. The fans want the Silver
Surfer in the story. In comics, he is a key figure in the Infinity War. They
need to weigh this in.)
They will be caught in a battle
between the Eternals and the Deviants but will be able to secure the Seventh
Stone at the instance of Sersi’s birth. The Deviants will be defeated, but Adam
has to choose. If he takes the Seventh Stone, Sersi will not be borned. He
instead merged Sersi’s life essence with the stone.
After stealing the Time Stone, Stark, Nebula and Gamora will be arguing on how the Time Stone works and who to
bring back first. Stark will insist that they brought back his two
companions, Dr. Strange and Spider-Man first, but Nebula wants to return to the
time Thanos was born and kill him when he was a child, and Gamora wants
Star-Lord and the rest of the GOTG back. They wrestled for the stone. The Time
Stone has a mind of its own and will bring back Dr. Strange. As it turned out,
Dr. Strange uttered a spell before he gave the Time Stone to Thanos and it is
recorded inside the stone (It has the capability to do so). The moment Stark
touches it, the stone will open a time gateway for Dr. Strange to return.
Dr. Strange told them that they need to go back to Titan for him to bring back their companions.
Nebula: “What if we go back in time when Thanos was still a child and kill him then.
Stark: “Hey, I told you that is sick and I don’t do such things.”
Dr. Strange: “That is not possible because Thanos is protected by the other Infinity Stones.”
Dr. Strange: “Yes.”
Stark: “So, we’re going to win now? We’ll be able to save the Universe from Thanos?”
Dr. Strange: “Uncertain!”
Stark: “What do you mean uncertain?!”
Dr. Strange: “There are now new players in the game.”
Thanos will be awakened by his sentries who discovered two other dead sentries. The titan will find out that the Time Stone is missing from his gauntlet. He will try to use the Reality Stone to see what happened during his sleep and how the Time Stone was stolen, but because the Infinity Gauntlet was damaged when he snapped his finger back in Wakanda while Thor’s Stormbreaker was lodged in his chess, it will not work according to what he wishes. He will only see, partially, Nebula. In haste and rage, he will kill the sentries and gather his minions.
Dr. Strange told them that they need to go back to Titan for him to bring back their companions.
Nebula: “What if we go back in time when Thanos was still a child and kill him then.
Stark: “Hey, I told you that is sick and I don’t do such things.”
Dr. Strange: “That is not possible because Thanos is protected by the other Infinity Stones.”
In Titan, Dr. Strange will resurrect
Spider-Man, Star Lord, Mantis and Drax. They will travel back to Earth, using the GOTG ship, Benatar.
Stark: “You said that out of the
14,000,605 possible future, we only defeat Thanos in one. Are we in that
timeline?”Dr. Strange: “Yes.”
Stark: “So, we’re going to win now? We’ll be able to save the Universe from Thanos?”
Dr. Strange: “Uncertain!”
Stark: “What do you mean uncertain?!”
Dr. Strange: “There are now new players in the game.”
Thanos will be awakened by his sentries who discovered two other dead sentries. The titan will find out that the Time Stone is missing from his gauntlet. He will try to use the Reality Stone to see what happened during his sleep and how the Time Stone was stolen, but because the Infinity Gauntlet was damaged when he snapped his finger back in Wakanda while Thor’s Stormbreaker was lodged in his chess, it will not work according to what he wishes. He will only see, partially, Nebula. In haste and rage, he will kill the sentries and gather his minions.
Thanos, thinking Nebula will go to
Vormir to resurrect his sister Gamora, decided to teleport there. By the time
Thanos gets to Vormir, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Nebula and Gamora are gone. He
will battle the Red Skull, who will try to get the Soul Stone back. Thanos will
defeat the Red Skull and will imprison him inside the Soul Stone.
Next, Thanos now knowing Dr. Strange has recovered the Time Stone, will return to Titan together with his minions, but will find no one there. He will try to use the Reality Stone again. This time, he will see the resurrected Dr. Strange bringing back Spider-Man, Star Lord, Mantis and Drax with the use of the Time Stone. He will finally know that they are going back to Earth.
Next, Thanos now knowing Dr. Strange has recovered the Time Stone, will return to Titan together with his minions, but will find no one there. He will try to use the Reality Stone again. This time, he will see the resurrected Dr. Strange bringing back Spider-Man, Star Lord, Mantis and Drax with the use of the Time Stone. He will finally know that they are going back to Earth.
Thanos and his minions will proceed to
Wakanda. Using the power of the Space Stone, he will be able to get to Earth
ahead of Stark and his companions.
The Avengers will be like experiencing a deja vu, as the battle ensues. Banner poses a question of how the battle against Thanos is going to be different this time around. “Because this time I'm here to help.” Remarks Captain Marvel who just arrive with Hawkeye to help. Banner, on the other hand, will keep prodding the Hulk to appear. The Hulk developed some kind of phobia issue of appearing after he was beaten and knocked-out by Thanos who was strengthened by the Power Stone. So, Banner joined the fight using the Hulkbuster.
[One question persists to be a loophole in Avengers: Infinity War that I first asked a friend who is also a Marvel fan: “Where in the world did Banner get the Hulkbuster?” They’re in Wakanda and the Hulkbuster is owned by Stark Industries and it’s parked in the outer atmosphere. Since then, the question has been repeatedly posted by Netizens. Well, here’s an answer. Colonel James Rhodes/War Machine (Don Cheadle) must have given it to Banner when he went to the former Avenger Headquarters, knowing he got issues transforming. Notice that it was not brand new and Banner need to make some repairs. It was damaged in Avengers: Age of Ultron when Stark used it to try to contain the mind-dazed Hulk.]
The Avengers will be like experiencing a deja vu, as the battle ensues. Banner poses a question of how the battle against Thanos is going to be different this time around. “Because this time I'm here to help.” Remarks Captain Marvel who just arrive with Hawkeye to help. Banner, on the other hand, will keep prodding the Hulk to appear. The Hulk developed some kind of phobia issue of appearing after he was beaten and knocked-out by Thanos who was strengthened by the Power Stone. So, Banner joined the fight using the Hulkbuster.
[One question persists to be a loophole in Avengers: Infinity War that I first asked a friend who is also a Marvel fan: “Where in the world did Banner get the Hulkbuster?” They’re in Wakanda and the Hulkbuster is owned by Stark Industries and it’s parked in the outer atmosphere. Since then, the question has been repeatedly posted by Netizens. Well, here’s an answer. Colonel James Rhodes/War Machine (Don Cheadle) must have given it to Banner when he went to the former Avenger Headquarters, knowing he got issues transforming. Notice that it was not brand new and Banner need to make some repairs. It was damaged in Avengers: Age of Ultron when Stark used it to try to contain the mind-dazed Hulk.]
Banner’s transformation into the Hulk
will happen, however, this time around when he sees Natasha/Black Widow fall
infront of him grimacing in pain. She will add some acting and begging, though,
for it to work. Still, even with the Hulk back, it will not be enough to stop
Thanos. The battle continues (Remember the teaser released by Marvel Studios
before the showing of Avengers: Infinity
War where you see the Hulk charging with the Avengers and the Wakandans,
but didn’t happen? They say it was done to mislead the fans. That is probably
part of this scene).
Captain Marvel will confront Thanos. The titan will use everything he got against her. She will
fall down several times but she will come back up stronger. She could absorb
any blast of energy that Thanos shoot at her and becomes stronger and stronger
with every absorption. At one point, she was even able to knock Thanos down
with an uppercut. This will baffle Thanos: “Who are you?” To which, she will simply
answers: “I’m Captain Marvel and you have my gem!”
Their fight will be interrupted by the
sudden arrival of Thor and Loki with a lightning flash. Thanos, upon realizing
that the Time Stone is not on Earth, getting knock down by Captain Marvel, and
seeing Thor, will retreat.
Captain Marvel will be furious that
Thanos escaped. She will vent her anger on Thor and Loki, and will attack them.
Here, you will see how really powerful she is. She will be able to absorb the
lightning created by Thor’s Stormbreaker and will be able to catch it when it
is hurled at her.
Captain Marvel: “An ax? I thought you
had a hammer?”
Loki: “She catches your ax just like
Hela caught Mjolnir (Thor: Ragnarok).
That means she could also destroy it.”
Thor: “Oh.. Oh... I’m sorry... I
didn’t mean to throw that at you.... Don’t destroy it.... It’s the only weapon
that can kill Thanos!”
Captain Marvel: “This?!” (She will throw
the Stormbreaker back at Thor)
Thor will be able to catch his
Stormbreaker but felt the force by which it is thrown back at him. He will
approach Captain Marvel and introduce himself.
Thor: (Whispering to Loki) “Whew... That was powerful!”
Loki: (Whispering back) “Yeah... Even I felt it. So
don’t piss her off, brother.”
Thor: (Extending his hand) “Hello, I’m Thor and this is my
brother, Loki”
Hawkeye: (Getting in the middle) “This
is Captain Marvel, our new ally.”
Thor: “Glad to meet you.”
Captain Marvel: (After shaking Thor’s
hand, she will grab Loki’s neck and ascend a few feet from the ground) “This
one, I’m not sure is an ally.”
Loki: “Uggh... This is the second time
I’m choked like this.”
Thor: “Wait..! Wait! My brother has
changed. In fact, he tried to kill Thanos and died for it.”
Captain Marvel: (Letting Loki go) “And
why is he still alive?”
Thor: “Well, thanks to a rat, he was
able to come back.”
Captain Marvel: “Resurrecting the dead with a rat? Ewww... Your Viking
rituals disgust me.”
The Avengers and the Wakandans will rejoice for the day’s victory as Stark and his companions arrived. Stark will shake hands with Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes and finally set aside his vengeance rage. They will continue to rejoice.
Captain America: “This war is far from over!”
Stark: “No, this time we take the war to Thanos!”
(NOTE: Concept Scene 5 and 6, happened if and when Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is shown first.)
This is my concept story for Part 2, Avengers: Resurrection. It’s not yet
completed. Well, there’s allowance for Part 3, which I will title Avengers: Endgame. Here is where the
real battle royale takes place. You will probably see Sylvester Stallone
back playing the role of Stakar Ogord, and his pack of Ravagers, fighting Thanos' legions of dark elves. Stark, with the help of Thor and Eitri, will construct another Infinty Gaunlet. Plus, there could be an Asian superhero appearing. Wow!
my concept is to be followed, there is going to be a reunion day for all the
MCU superheoes when Avengers: Endgame premiers on October 2019, on Marvel Comics’ 80th Foundation Day. On
Part 3, again, if film franchise right can be resolved, the X-men will be in it
and so does Galactus, in physical form this time. If not Part 2 may
well be the End Game.
With Tony Stark’s help, Peter Quill/Star
Lord will be able to visit the grave of her mother in Missouri. State Secretary
Thadeus Ross (William Hurt) will order their apprehension. Stark will mediate
and explain the situation to Secretary Ross. They will talk to the president. Meanwhile Carol Danvers will bring
back Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders).
at the Stark lab, Nebula will agree to Stark’s probing his brain for recorded
information about Thanos. From the information stored in Nebula’s
brain, Stark will discover that Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet was damaged
it was damaged? When Thanos was hit in the chest by Thor’s Stormbreaker, he was
near-death. Remember, the “Stormbreaker can kill Thanos.” As Thanos himself said,
Thor should have hit him in the head. At that near-death moment, Thanos was
still able to snap his finger, completing his desires. That is, the end of half
of the living creatures in the universe, and to be able to talk to his
daughter, Gamora. The Gauntlet, with Thanos at near-death, needs to compensate
to save his life as well. For that, the power and energy required to accomplish them damaged
the gauntlet.]
Stark will download all the
information in Nebula’s brain and use them to formulate a plan of action.
Primary among them is to wrest the Infinity Stones from Thanos.
Loki will pose a question: “If indeed
the Infinity Gauntlet is damaged, maybe we can make another?” Thor will answer
that it is possible and he knows where it can be made – in Nidavellir.

Iron Man, Thor, Loki and Spider-Man
will go to Nidavellir and, with Eitri’s help, will construct another Infinity
Meanwhile, Quill, Drax, Mantis, Groot and
Rocket Raccoon will travel to different realms to seek alliances against
Thanos. They will discover that there were Xandarian survivors. Rocket Raccoon
will contact Stakar Ogord/Starhawk (Sylvester Stallone), and the latter will
agree to send all the Ravagers into battle.
part of the plan, which Quill will initially object, Gamora will stay behind as
she and Nebula will travel to Titan for another mission.
The Hulk still has the phobia issue.
Dr. Strange and Natasha will try to resolve it. In so doing, the Hulk will
merge with Banner’s intellect and will become the “intelligent” Hulk.
After which Stark will convince Dr.
Strange to give him the Time Stone, as he will use it in his plan to trick
Thanos. Even with Time Stone returned, the Infinity Gauntlet was damaged, and Thanos can no longer use it for annihilation. The plan is for Gamora and Nebula to give it back to Thanos pretending
they are now back on his side. When that is accomplished, they will inform
Stark of Thanos’ plans and, whenever possible, steal the other Infinity Stones
and return.
It so happened that Dr. Strange
already knew of this possible future and will gladly give the Time Stone to
Next, Steve Rogers, Hawkeye and Captain
Marvel will arrive telling them that Professor Xavier is telepathically
communicating with Captain Marvel, requesting for a meeting. Captain Marvel, Hawkeye,
Natasha and the Hulk will be tasked to meet with Professor Xavier. Stark will
give Rogers his shield back.
Silver Surfer will suggest to Adam
Warlock that they also get his former master, Galactus, to help them in their
battle against Thanos. For even though Galactus is a world devourer, he do so
for survival, unlike Thanos who’s only intents are genocide and destruction.
Galactus now has a new herald, Terrax.
Silver Surfer and Adam Warlock will battle and defeat Terrax before they could
seek audience with the world devourer.
Galactus, having also felt Thanos’
immense power and the destruction of half the life in the universe will agree
to aid them in their battle.
As plan, Gamora and Nebula will travel
to Titan where Thanos is gathering his forces. They will return to him the Time
Stone as a token of their reverting loyalty.
Thanos will be happy to see Gamora
back alive, but is still suspicious of his daughters. So, he will order a scan
on Nebula’s brain. This was, however, already anticipated in Stark’s plan, and
everything about it was erased in Nebula’s mind. She was, nonetheless,
programmed to follow Gamora’s wishes and be, henceforth, absolutely loyal to
her sister.
Thanos, even with the Time Stone back
in his damaged gauntlet, will still be unable to use the full, combined, power
of the Infinity Stones. He can only wield one stone’s power at a time.
Nonetheless, he will gather a huge army
of dark elves and Krull mercenaries and prepare for assault on all the empires
in the universe that will defy him.

The Juggernaut, upon seeing the Hulk
will attack. The two will battle. Everyone who will try to stop their rumble
just gets thrown away. Well, except Captain Marvel and Phoenix, but they, too,
will engage in a heated argument and do battle. Professor Xavier will try to
telepathically talk and pacify them.
When everything is calm, they will
agree to an accord.
As Galactus ship travels through
space, they will encounter an armada belonging to Thanos. The Silver Surfer,
Adam Warlock, Galactus and Terrax will easily defeat them. Galactus’ ship,
however, will be damaged when one of the enemy battle cruisers crashes into it.
They will be forced to land on an uninhabited planet. They make repairs as
Galactus feeds on the planet.
Thanos will find Hela's body floating in space. After a brief encounter, she would agree to become his ally. Upon receiving the transmission
from his armada of the encounter with Galactus, Thanos will arrive at the scene. Hela will help Thanos battle Adam Warlock, Silver Surfer and Terrax.
Adam Warlock will not be able to wield
the power of the Seventh Stone as the Eternal, Sersi, hasn’t gain full
consciousness yet, and her life essence is merged with the stone.
Using the Mind Stone, Thanos will be
able to take control of the Silver Surfer and command him to do his bidding. With
the Silver Surfer’s help, and using the Soul Stone, Thanos and Hela will be able to trap Adam
Warlock inside the Soul Stone.
Thanos will also be able to take
control of Terrax. While Galactus is still feeding, they will put a nuclear
poison that will render the world devourer weak and unable to fight. Thanos
will also imprison Galactus inside the Soul Stone.
Stark and Thor will be able to
power-up the neutron generator in Nidavellir again to make a new Infinity
Gauntlet with the help of Eitri. Stark will receive a transmission by Gamora that
an impending attack on Earth led by Thanos himself is underway. Stark will
notify Rogers and Quill to “prepare for the battle of their lives.” It would be
the “end game” and they need to “win it.” They will agree to meet on the far
side of the moon.
Hep, we stop here.
Suffice to say that the last five scenes would be full of blood and tears, sacrifice and heroism, the biggest gathering of superhero characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever!
Suffice to say that the last five scenes would be full of blood and tears, sacrifice and heroism, the biggest gathering of superhero characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ever!
will, however, answer one more question if my entire concept is to be followed: What will happen to the Infinity Gems?
Strange, Vision and Adam Warlock will retain possession of the Time Stone,
Mind Stone and Soul Stone, respectively. The other stones will have new
Marvel – Space Stone
Man – Power Stone
– Reality Stone
will finally be borned with the Seventh Stone merged into her. She would become
a member of the New Avengers, her power rivaling that of Captain Marvel.
those who have been stealing my concepts and making it their own.